Multiple Mailbox System On 56-inch Hanger-Type Thin-Walled Galvanized Tube With Type 1 Foundation

Report Number(s): 0-6946-1

Description: Four mailboxes (two large and two standard) attached to a multiple-mount 2-inch steel harp post, which was installed in a socket embedded in a concrete footing. The four mailboxes were supported with a TxDOT type DHT #149339 multiple mailbox post (galvanized) formed from 2 inch nominal 16 Gauge  thin wall ASTM A513 Type 5 DOM steel tubing. Multiple Mailbox System On 56-inch Hanger-Type Thin-Walled Galvanized Tube With Type 1 Foundation

Test Level: 3

MASH Test Number: 3-61

Proprietary/Non-proprietary: Non-proprietary

Pass/Fail: Pass

Evaluation: Testing + Engineering Analysis

Sponsor: Texas Department of Transportation

Test Article Description

Mailbox Type: Standard

Mailbox Number: Multiple

Height: 42"

Base Type: Frangible/Yielding

Support Type: 16-gauge steel

